Mark and I met on the dating app Bumble, which touts itself on being the only app "where women make the first move," so, technically, I have the honors of taking credit for this beautiful union. :)
Our first date was at a coffee shop. It was a beautiful January day and we enjoyed a walk around Fort Monroe while talking about everything from our kids, our jobs, sharing funny stories about nights in Adams Morgan in DC (if you know you know), and college (we still laugh that he asked who my college is named after. I went to James Madison University - haha).
I was quickly enamored by Mark's wit, his love for his family, his intelligence, his kindness and generosity, his moral compass, his humility, his gorgeous smile, his love for food/wine/bourbon, his accomplishments, his sense of adventure, his openness to go to church with me, and so much more. (He also made my tummy flip flop in the best way possible)!
As we spent time getting to know each other and as we grew closer, we hit a couple of bumps in the road. It was in the hard times that I began to see more profound qualities in Mark that made me realize I wanted to spend the rest of my life loving him and being loved by his ability to be vulnerable, his unmatched level of patience and gentleness with me, and a deep desire to make this relationship work.
Mark has held a mirror up to me and helped me see great qualities in myself that I didn't know or believe were there. He has also helped me see things that I didn't WANT to see that need my attention so I can be better for him, my kids and family, myself, and the world.
I'm so grateful that he chose me and that he chooses me every single day. I feel so loved, valued, and seen. What more could a girl ask for?!
We met, later fell in love, and now we’re getting hitched. Molly and I actually started talking about getting married after just a few months of being a couple - and here we are!
We have had so many amazing adventures together. Highlights include crossing into Canada to see Niagara falls (“just be cool”), going on Safari in Kenya (Molly illegally went into Tanzania (I did not, and I told her “not to post pics of this on Facebook”)), a trip to France for a wedding, castle hopping, and arguments about how to navigate around Paris, and skiing Mount Hood in Oregon in July. Well, we didn’t actually ski, but we did take the chairlift to the top and saw other people on the slopes. And for some reason we walked down the mountain (later I found out it was because she was terrified on the ski lift). I proposed on a cruise ship on her birthday in the Caribbean, and she said “Yes!” Later that day we took a Jeep tour around Cozumel. And there are so many more adventures yet to come!
It’s easy to see why I fell for Molly. She is so beautiful, kind, loving, and generous. Molly is an amazing partner and someone I always want to be around - I truly believe that we make a remarkable couple (of crazy people). And when she smiles, the whole world stops and stares for a while. Everyone that knows Molly knows that she is a wonderful and attentive mother, and I know that she will be the best step-mother for my sons. One big happy family we will be!
Molly is my best friend, my better half, and the love of my life.